Regular (Faculty) | 150,00 Euros |
Reduced (PhD students, post-docs) | 100,00 Euros |
To proceed with the registration, please follow this LINK
Those who also wish to give a 20 minutes talk or to present a poster are kindly asked to prepare
an abstract according to the Latex template downloadable
here, to rename it as "LASTNAME.tex" and to send
both the tex and the pdf files by e-mail
to the conference address, with "Abstract submission" in the subject line.
If your talk is included in a minisymposium, kindly specify this in your email.
Registration: May 31, 2025
Abstract submission: Apr 30, 2025
Notification of abstract acceptance: promptly upon review after submission, and in any case, no later than May 10
Hotel reservation at Altafiumara resort: May 31, 2025. Please visit this page
Submission to the Special Issues: opening October 30, 2025 - closing February 28, 2026
A selection of original research papers related to the Conference will be included in a special issue of the Elsevier journal:
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics.
All submissions will be peer reviewed according to the procedures of the journal. Further instructions will be given after the Conference.
In addition, participants will be warmly invited to contribute video presentations to a special issue of
the new Open Access Elsevier video journal Science Talks.
Accepted videos will be published free of charge, offering an excellent opportunity to present work to a broad audience.
Guidelines for such submissions will be given after the Conference.